Function: Deprecated locale filter
Source: includes/core/filters.php:367
Function: Deprecated locale filter
Source: includes/core/filters.php:367
Function: Deprecated forums query filter
Source: includes/core/filters.php:386
Function: Deprecated replies query filter
Source: includes/core/filters.php:416
Function: Used by bbp_has_replies() to add the lead topic post to the posts loop
Source: includes/replies/functions.php:2059
Function: Deprecated topics query filter
Source: includes/core/filters.php:401
Function: This is necessary because in a few places (noted below) WordPress initializes a blog’s roles directly from the database option. When this happens, the $wp_roles global gets flushed, causing a user to magically lose any dynamically assigned roles or capabilities when $current_user in refreshed.
Source: includes/core/capabilities.php:340
Function: Injects specific BuddyPress CSS classes into a widget sidebar.
Source: bp-core/bp-core-filters.php:968
Function: Print moment.js config in page footer.
Source: bp-core/deprecated/4.0.php:19
Function: Temporary implementation of ‘bp_moderate’ cap.
Source: bp-core/bp-core-caps.php:421
Function: Backward compatibility for ‘last_activity’ usermeta fetching.
Source: bp-members/bp-members-functions.php:1129