_bp_get_user_meta_last_activity_warning( null $retval, int $object_id, string $meta_key, bool $single )

Backward compatibility for ‘last_activity’ usermeta fetching.

Description Description

In BuddyPress 2.0, user last_activity data was moved out of usermeta. For backward compatibility, we continue to mirror the data there. This function serves two purposes: it warns plugin authors of the change, and it returns the data from the proper location.

Parameters Parameters


(Required) Null retval value.


(Required) ID of the user.


(Required) Meta key being fetched.


(Required) Whether a single key is being fetched (vs an array).

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Return Return


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Source Source

File: bp-members/bp-members-functions.php

function _bp_get_user_meta_last_activity_warning( $retval, $object_id, $meta_key, $single ) {
	static $warned = false;

	if ( 'last_activity' === $meta_key ) {
		// Don't send the warning more than once per pageload.
		if ( false === $warned ) {
			_doing_it_wrong( 'get_user_meta( $user_id, \'last_activity\' )', __( 'User last_activity data is no longer stored in usermeta. Use bp_get_user_last_activity() instead.', 'buddypress' ), '2.0.0' );
			$warned = true;

		$user_last_activity = bp_get_user_last_activity( $object_id );
		if ( $single ) {
			return $user_last_activity;
		} else {
			return array( $user_last_activity );

	return $retval;

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Changelog Changelog

Version Description
2.9.3 Added the $single parameter.
2.0.0 Introduced.

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