LLMS_Twenty_Twenty class.
Description Description
Source Source
File: includes/theme-support/class-llms-twenty-twenty.php
Changelog Changelog
Version | Description |
3.37.3 | Hide site header and footer, and set a white body background in single certificates. |
3.37.2 | Updated to use background-color property instead of background shorthand when adding custom elements to style. |
3.37.1 | Fixed course information block misalignment. |
3.37.0 | Introduced. |
Methods Methods
- add_elements — Add LifterLMS Elments to the array of Twenty Twenty elements.
- add_elements_content_accent_background — Get an array of selectors for items that have the accent color as the background.
- add_elements_content_accent_border — Get an array of selectors for items that have the accent color as the border.
- add_elements_content_accent_color — Get an array of selectors for items that have the accent color as the text color.
- add_elements_content_background_color — Get an array of selectors for items that have the background color as the text color.
- add_inline_styles — Generate inline CSS using colors from the TwenyTwenty Theme settings.
- body_classes — Add Twenty Twenty's full-width template body class on catalogs where the page is set to use the Full Width template.
- get_archive_page_id — Retrieve the page ID of a a catalog page.
- get_page_template_class — Get the twenty twenty theme's "width" class for use in wrapper elements.
- hide_meta_output — Prevent theme meta information from being output on LifterLMS Custom Post Types.
- init — Constructor.
- is_page_full_width — Determine if the given page is utilizing the twenty twenty full-width page template.
- modify_columns_count — Modify the number of catalog & checkout columns.
- output_archive_description_wrapper — Output the opening wrapper for the content description element in the theme's header.
- output_archive_description_wrapper_end — Output the closing wrapper for the content description element in the theme's header.
- output_content_wrapper — Output Twenty Twenty theme wrapper openers
- output_content_wrapper_end — Output Twenty Twenty theme wrapper closers
- output_content_wrapper_part_two — Outputs header closing wrappers and inner element opening wrappers for the theme wrappers.