Filter Hook: Filter the student dashboard “my grades” table headings
Source: includes/functions/llms.functions.templates.dashboard.php:619
Filter Hook: Filter the student dashboard “my grades” table headings
Source: includes/functions/llms.functions.templates.dashboard.php:619
Function: Get single post author template
Source: includes/functions/llms-functions-templates-courses.php:21
Action Hook: Fires before the student dashboard output.
Source: includes/functions/llms.functions.templates.dashboard.php:43
Filter Hook: Allow adding a notice message to be displayed in the student dashboard where `llms_print_notices()` will be invoked.
Source: includes/functions/llms.functions.templates.dashboard.php:71
Filter Hook: Filter login form redirect URL
Source: includes/functions/llms.functions.templates.dashboard.php:112
Action Hook: Fires before the student dashboard content output.
Source: includes/functions/llms.functions.templates.dashboard.php:134
Action Hook: Fires after the student dashboard output.
Source: includes/functions/llms.functions.templates.dashboard.php:150
Filter Hook: Filter the query args to retrieve the courses ids to be used for the “my_courses” loop.
Source: includes/functions/llms.functions.templates.dashboard.php:184
Filter Hook: Filter the number of courses per page to be displayed in the dashboard.
Source: includes/functions/llms.functions.templates.dashboard.php:224
Filter Hook: Filter the number of courses per page to be displayed in the dashboard, when outputting a short list of courses.
Source: includes/functions/llms.functions.templates.dashboard.php:233