Function: Show a notice when the theme is activated – workaround by Ozh (http://old.nabble.com/Activation-hook-exist-for-themes–td25211004.html)
Source: bp-themes/bp-default/functions.php:584
Function: Show a notice when the theme is activated – workaround by Ozh (http://old.nabble.com/Activation-hook-exist-for-themes–td25211004.html)
Source: bp-themes/bp-default/functions.php:584
Function: The styles for the post thumbnails / custom page headers.
Source: bp-themes/bp-default/functions.php:356
Function: Template for comments and pingbacks.
Source: bp-themes/bp-default/functions.php:475
Function: Return the ID of a page set as the home page.
Source: bp-themes/bp-default/functions.php:542
Function: Styles the header image displayed on the Appearance > Header admin panel.
Source: bp-themes/bp-default/functions.php:248