Method: A terrible Rest API for the course builder
Source: includes/admin/class.llms.admin.builder.php:326
Method: A terrible Rest API for the course builder
Source: includes/admin/class.llms.admin.builder.php:326
Function: Initialize LifterLMS post type content filters
Source: includes/functions/llms-functions-content.php:131
Filter Hook: Filters whether or not LifterLMS content filters should be applied.
Source: includes/functions/llms-functions-content.php:144
Function: Retrieve the sales page content for a course or membership
Source: includes/functions/llms-functions-content.php:90
Filter Hook: Filters the HTML content of a LifterLMS post type’s sales page content
Source: includes/functions/llms-functions-content.php:111
Function: Post Template Include
Source: includes/functions/llms-functions-content.php:27
Method: Register Post Types.
Source: includes/class.llms.post-types.php:351