Method: Execute calculation for each item in the queue until all students in the course have been polled
Source: includes/processors/class.llms.processor.course.data.php:426
Method: Execute calculation for each item in the queue until all students in the course have been polled
Source: includes/processors/class.llms.processor.course.data.php:426
Method: Add view links to the admin menu bar for qualifying users.
Source: includes/forms/class-llms-forms-admin-bar.php:45
Filter Hook: Filters whether or not to display the student dashboard
Source: includes/functions/llms.functions.templates.dashboard.php:59
Filter Hook: Filters whether or not the login form should be displayed
Source: includes/functions/llms-functions-forms.php:122
Method: Retrieve the full HTML to be output for the notification type
Source: includes/abstracts/llms.abstract.notification.view.php:466
Filter Hook: Filter the array of IDs returned for use in querying courses to display.
Source: includes/shortcodes/class.llms.shortcode.courses.php:98