Class: Main LifterLMS Class
Source: class-lifterlms.php:27
Class: Main LifterLMS Class
Source: class-lifterlms.php:27
Class: LLMS_Admin_Page_Status class
Source: includes/admin/
Method: Output the system report
Source: includes/admin/
Method: Get the full URL to a sub-tab within a reporting screen.
Source: includes/admin/reporting/class.llms.admin.reporting.php:249
Method: Get an array of tabs to output in the main reporting menu.
Source: includes/admin/reporting/class.llms.admin.reporting.php:288
Method: Output the HTML for a postmeta event in the recent events sidebar of various reporting screens.
Source: includes/admin/reporting/class.llms.admin.reporting.php:394
Class: Admin Reporting Base class
Source: includes/admin/reporting/class.llms.admin.reporting.php:23
Class: Memberships Tab on Reporting Screen class
Source: includes/admin/reporting/tabs/
Method: Constructor.
Source: includes/admin/reporting/tabs/
Method: Add breadcrumb links to the tab depending on current view.
Source: includes/admin/reporting/tabs/