Filter Hook: Filters to bypass Group Leader meta update.
Source: includes/settings/settings-sections/class-ld-settings-section-groups-group-leader-user.php:533
Filter Hook: Filters to bypass Group Leader meta update.
Source: includes/settings/settings-sections/class-ld-settings-section-groups-group-leader-user.php:533
Method: Check the class is valid.
Source: includes/admin/class-learndash-admin-binary-selector.php:497
Function: Check if user can bypass action ($context).
Source: includes/course/ld-course-functions.php:1236
Function: Utility function to return a list of allowed upload file extensions.
Source: includes/ld-misc-functions.php:1302
Function: Utility function to return a list of ignored/disallowed upload file extensions.
Source: includes/ld-misc-functions.php:1351
Function: Utility function to return a list of allowed upload file extensions.
Source: includes/ld-misc-functions.php:1374
Filter Hook: Filters allowed upload file extensions.
Source: includes/ld-misc-functions.php:1401
Filter Hook: Filter called just before template processing. Allows late determination if LearnDash template logic should be processed.
Source: includes/class-ld-cpt-instance.php:264
Function: Builds the `[ld_group_list]` shortcode output.
Source: includes/shortcodes/ld_group_list.php:29
Action Hook: Fires before the group content listing.
Source: themes/ld30/templates/group.php:278