Function: Fix students with the bugged role “students”
Source: includes/functions/updates/llms-functions-updates-303.php:20
Function: Fix students with the bugged role “students”
Source: includes/functions/updates/llms-functions-updates-303.php:20
Function: Update db version at conclusion of 3.0.3 updates
Source: includes/functions/updates/llms-functions-updates-303.php:62
Function: Utility function to load minified version of CSS/JS assets.
Source: includes/ld-misc-functions.php:1781
Function: Utility function to load minified version of CSS/JS builder assets.
Source: includes/ld-misc-functions.php:1794
Function: Utility function to load minified version of CSS/JS assets.
Source: includes/deprecated/3.3.0/functions.php:67
Function: Utility function to load minified version of CSS/JS builder assets.
Source: includes/deprecated/3.3.0/functions.php:82
Function: Builds a recursive listing of files from a given base path name.
Source: includes/ld-misc-functions.php:1807
Filter Hook: Filters file path for the learndash template being called.
Source: includes/class-ld-lms.php:4555
Filter Hook: Filters Focus mode user welcome name.
Source: themes/ld30/templates/focus/masthead.php:232
Function: Gets the template file path by name.
Source: themes/ld30/includes/helpers.php:1276