Method: Constructor.
Source: includes/class-edd-customer-query.php:210
Method: Constructor.
Source: includes/class-edd-customer-query.php:210
Function: Get the image for the PayPal purchase page.
Source: includes/gateways/paypal-standard.php:849
Function: Output a message and login form on the profile editor when the current visitor is not logged in.
Source: includes/template-actions.php:18
Function: Output a message on the login form when a user is already logged in.
Source: includes/template-actions.php:31
Function: Get Download Title via AJAX
Source: includes/ajax-functions.php:444
Method: Retrieves the value of the last_changed cache key for customers.
Source: includes/class-edd-db-customers.php:590
Method: Prepare query arguments for `EDD_Customer_Query`.
Source: includes/class-edd-db-customers.php:524
Method: Sets the last_changed cache key for customers.
Source: includes/class-edd-db-customers.php:581