Method: Based off the current global variables for $wp_query and $post, we may need to reset some data or just restore it.
Source: includes/payments/class-payments-query.php:629
Method: Based off the current global variables for $wp_query and $post, we may need to reset some data or just restore it.
Source: includes/payments/class-payments-query.php:629
Method: Specific gateway
Source: includes/payments/class-payments-query.php:373
Function: Schedules the one time event via WP_Cron to fire after purchase actions.
Source: includes/payments/actions.php:157
Function: Executes the one time event used for after purchase actions.
Source: includes/payments/actions.php:176
Action Hook: Runs **when** a purchase is marked as “complete”.
Source: includes/payments/actions.php:123
Action Hook: Runs **after** a purchase is marked as “complete”.
Source: includes/payments/actions.php:139
Method: Add an item to the payment meta
Source: includes/payments/class-edd-payment.php:1896
Method: Delete an item from payment meta
Source: includes/payments/class-edd-payment.php:1913
Function: Email Callback
Source: includes/admin/settings/register-settings.php:1776
Function: Flattens the set of registered settings and their type so we can easily sanitize all the settings in a much cleaner set of logic in edd_settings_sanitize
Source: includes/admin/settings/register-settings.php:1117