Method: Retrieve the log data
Source: includes/class-edd-logging.php:374
Method: Retrieve the log data
Source: includes/class-edd-logging.php:374
Method: Log message to file
Source: includes/class-edd-logging.php:384
Method: Retrieve the file data is written to
Source: includes/class-edd-logging.php:396
Method: Write the log message
Source: includes/class-edd-logging.php:424
Function: Logs a message to the debug log file
Source: includes/class-edd-logging.php:523
Method: Sets up the log file if it is writable
Source: includes/class-edd-logging.php:51
Function: Store found discounts with the hash.
Source: includes/discount-functions.php:1124
Function: Check to see if this set of discounts has been queried for already.
Source: includes/discount-functions.php:1102
Function: Is Debug Mode
Source: includes/misc-functions.php:32
Function: Given a country code, return the country name
Source: includes/country-functions.php:1901