Method: Setup the expiration date.
Source: includes/class-edd-discount.php:582
Method: Setup the expiration date.
Source: includes/class-edd-discount.php:582
Method: Setup the uses.
Source: includes/class-edd-discount.php:595
Method: Setup the discount code.
Source: includes/class-edd-discount.php:491
Method: Setup the discount status.
Source: includes/class-edd-discount.php:504
Method: Setup the discount type.
Source: includes/class-edd-discount.php:517
Method: Setup the discount amount.
Source: includes/class-edd-discount.php:530
Method: Setup the product requirements.
Source: includes/class-edd-discount.php:543
Method: Find a discount in the database with the name supplied.
Source: includes/class-edd-discount.php:358
Method: Setup object vars with discount WP_Post object.
Source: includes/class-edd-discount.php:393
Action Hook: Fires before the instance of the EDD_Discount object is set up.
Source: includes/class-edd-discount.php:424