Method: Remove a student from a membership level.
Source: includes/models/model.llms.student.php:1508
Method: Remove a student from a membership level.
Source: includes/models/model.llms.student.php:1508
Function: Get a fully formatted title of a bundle item
Source: includes/template-functions.php:1073
Function: Retrieve the ID of an item in a bundle.
Source: includes/template-functions.php:1096
Function: Retrieve the price ID of a bundle item.
Source: includes/template-functions.php:1110
Method: Retrieve sales stats based on range provided (used for Reporting)
Source: includes/payments/class-payment-stats.php:347
Function: If the payment trying to be recovered has a User ID associated with it, be sure it’s the same user.
Source: includes/payments/actions.php:503
Function: If the payment trying to be recovered has a User ID associated with it, we need them to log in.
Source: includes/payments/actions.php:527
Function: When processing the payment, check if the resuming payment has a user id and that it matches the logged in user.
Source: includes/payments/actions.php:561
Function: Process an attempt to complete a recoverable payment.
Source: includes/payments/actions.php:426
Method: Easily determine if the payment is in a status of pending some action. Processing is specifically used for eChecks.
Source: includes/payments/class-edd-payment.php:2740