Function: Look up the stripe customer id in user meta, and look to recurring if not found yet
Source: includes/gateways/stripe/includes/functions.php:279
Function: Look up the stripe customer id in user meta, and look to recurring if not found yet
Source: includes/gateways/stripe/includes/functions.php:279
Function: Processes an account verification email request
Source: includes/user-functions.php:917
Function: Processes an account verification
Source: includes/user-functions.php:951
Function: Sends an email to the specified user with a URL to verify their account
Source: includes/user-functions.php:743
Function: Generates a token for a user verification URL.
Source: includes/user-functions.php:802
Function: Generate a token for a URL and match it against the existing token to make sure the URL hasn’t been tampered with.
Source: includes/user-functions.php:876
Function: Gets the URL that triggers a new verification email to be sent
Source: includes/user-functions.php:723
Function: Set a user’s status to pending
Source: includes/user-functions.php:629
Function: Set the user from pending to active
Source: includes/user-functions.php:650
Function: Determines if the user account is pending verification. Pending accounts cannot view purchase history
Source: includes/user-functions.php:675