Method: Public constructor for class
Source: includes/admin/class-learndash-admin-groups-users-list.php:57
Method: Public constructor for class
Source: includes/admin/class-learndash-admin-groups-users-list.php:57
Method: Register Group Administration submenu page
Source: includes/admin/class-learndash-admin-groups-users-list.php:66
Method: On page load
Source: includes/admin/class-learndash-admin-groups-users-list.php:122
Function: Gets the list of user objects that belong to a group.
Source: includes/ld-groups.php:972
Function: Adds the list of given users to the group.
Source: includes/ld-groups.php:1026
Function: Gets the list of group leaders for the given group ID.
Source: includes/ld-groups.php:1103
Function: Makes the user leader for the given group ID.
Source: includes/ld-groups.php:1152
Function: Gets the list of all group leader user IDs.
Source: includes/deprecated/3.4.1/functions.php:190
Function: Gets the list of all group leader user objects.
Source: includes/deprecated/3.4.1/functions.php:213
Function: Utility function to traverse the multidimensional array and apply user function.
Source: includes/deprecated/3.4.0/functions.php:518