Method: Returns the page height in units.
Source: includes/lib/tcpdf/tcpdf.php:2537
Method: Returns the page height in units.
Source: includes/lib/tcpdf/tcpdf.php:2537
Method: Returns the page break margin.
Source: includes/lib/tcpdf/tcpdf.php:2553
Method: Returns the scale factor (number of points in user unit).
Source: includes/lib/tcpdf/tcpdf.php:2567
Method: Renders an HTML Dropdown of months
Source: includes/class-edd-html-elements.php:482
Method: Renders an HTML Text field
Source: includes/class-edd-html-elements.php:652
Method: Renders an HTML Dropdown of all the Categories
Source: includes/class-edd-html-elements.php:421
Method: Renders an HTML Dropdown of years
Source: includes/class-edd-html-elements.php:451
Method: Renders an HTML Dropdown of all the Discounts
Source: includes/class-edd-html-elements.php:385
Method: Retrieve the output data
Source: includes/class-edd-api.php:1332
Function: Checks whether discounts are still valid when removing items from the cart
Source: includes/discount-functions.php:911