Filter Hook: Filters a locally uploaded avatar URL.
Source: bp-core/bp-core-avatars.php:596
Filter Hook: Filters a locally uploaded avatar URL.
Source: bp-core/bp-core-avatars.php:596
Function: In BuddyPress 1.2.x, this was used as part of the code that set the activity stream to be on the front page.
Source: bp-core/deprecated/1.5.php:562
Action Hook: Fires inside the ‘bp_loaded’ function, which fires after BP’s core plugin files have been loaded.
Source: bp-core/bp-core-dependency.php:333
Function: Fire the ‘bp_init’ action, BuddyPress’s main initialization hook.
Source: bp-core/bp-core-dependency.php:260
Function: Fire the ‘bp_include’ action, where plugins should include files.
Source: bp-core/bp-core-dependency.php:26
Action Hook: Fires inside the ‘bp_include’ function, where plugins should include files.
Source: bp-core/bp-core-dependency.php:33
Filter Hook: Filters the latest update excerpt.
Source: bp-activity/bp-activity-template.php:2766
Function: Check whether the current member in the loop is the logged-in user.
Source: bp-members/bp-members-template.php:759
Filter Hook: Filters whether the current member in the loop is the logged-in user.
Source: bp-members/bp-members-template.php:769
Function: Get the email address of the current member in the loop.
Source: bp-members/bp-members-template.php:739