Function: Disables admin sorting of Post Types Order
Source: includes/plugin-compatibility.php:26
Function: Disables admin sorting of Post Types Order
Source: includes/plugin-compatibility.php:26
Function: Renders the Discount Code field which allows users to enter a discount code.
Source: includes/checkout/template.php:728
Function: Renders the payment mode form by getting all the enabled payment gateways and outputting them as radio buttons for the user to choose the payment gateway. If a default payment gateway has been chosen from the EDD Settings, it will be automatically selected.
Source: includes/checkout/template.php:601
Function: Get Button Styles
Source: includes/template-functions.php:542
Function: Flushes the current user’s purchase history transient when a payment status is updated
Source: includes/payments/actions.php:226
Function: Get Total Sales
Source: includes/payments/functions.php:823
Function: Sales Summary Dashboard Widget
Source: includes/admin/dashboard-widgets.php:40
Function: Registers the dashboard widgets
Source: includes/admin/dashboard-widgets.php:22
Function: Individual file row.
Source: includes/admin/downloads/metabox.php:807
Function: Individual Price Row
Source: includes/admin/downloads/metabox.php:402