Function: Renders the Next button on the Checkout
Source: includes/checkout/template.php:953
Function: Renders the Next button on the Checkout
Source: includes/checkout/template.php:953
Function: Renders the Purchase button on the Checkout
Source: includes/checkout/template.php:974
Function: Returns the path to the EDD templates directory
Source: includes/template-functions.php:622
Function: Retrieve the name of the highest priority template file that exists.
Source: includes/template-functions.php:710
Function: Updates all old payments, prior to 1.2, with new meta for the total purchase amount
Source: includes/payments/actions.php:245
Function: Get the amount associated with a payment
Source: includes/payments/functions.php:1320
Function: Get the purchase key for a purchase
Source: includes/payments/functions.php:1165
Function: Get the gateway associated with a payment
Source: includes/payments/functions.php:1129
Function: Get the user_info Key from Payment Meta
Source: includes/payments/functions.php:957
Function: Get the downloads Key from Payment Meta
Source: includes/payments/functions.php:969