wc_string_to_timestamp( string $time_string, int|null $from_timestamp = null )
Convert mysql datetime to PHP timestamp, forcing UTC. Wrapper for strtotime.
Description Description
Based on wcs_strtotime_dark_knight() from WC Subscriptions by Prospress.
Parameters Parameters
- $time_string
(Required) Time string.
- $from_timestamp
(Optional) Timestamp to convert from.
Default value: null
Return Return
Source Source
File: includes/wc-formatting-functions.php
function wc_string_to_timestamp( $time_string, $from_timestamp = null ) { $original_timezone = date_default_timezone_get(); // @codingStandardsIgnoreStart date_default_timezone_set( 'UTC' ); if ( null === $from_timestamp ) { $next_timestamp = strtotime( $time_string ); } else { $next_timestamp = strtotime( $time_string, $from_timestamp ); } date_default_timezone_set( $original_timezone ); // @codingStandardsIgnoreEnd return $next_timestamp; }
Changelog Changelog
Version | Description |
3.0.0 | Introduced. |