Function: Start new or resume existing session.
Source: includes/libraries/wp-session.php:78
Function: Start new or resume existing session.
Source: includes/libraries/wp-session.php:78
Function: Return the current session status.
Source: includes/libraries/wp-session.php:91
Function: Unset all session variables.
Source: includes/libraries/wp-session.php:104
Function: Write session data and end session
Source: includes/libraries/wp-session.php:113
Function: Loads the certificate image as the background for the visual editor.
Source: includes/deprecated/3.4.0/functions.php:644
Function: Instansiates the `WpProQuiz_Plugin_BpAchievementsV3` class.
Source: includes/lib/wp-pro-quiz/wp-pro-quiz.php:118
Function: Handles the wp pro quiz class autoloading.
Source: includes/lib/wp-pro-quiz/wp-pro-quiz.php:67
Function: Runs the wp pro quiz upgrade after the plugins are loaded.
Source: includes/lib/wp-pro-quiz/wp-pro-quiz.php:106
Function: This function runs when an action is set for a screen: example.com/members/andy/profile/change-avatar/ [delete-avatar]
Source: bp-core/deprecated/6.0.php:59
Function: Add filters for xprofile activity types to Show dropdowns.
Source: bp-xprofile/bp-xprofile-activity.php:259