Function: Handles the AJAX pagination for the courses registered.
Source: includes/deprecated/3.4.0/functions.php:382
Function: Handles the AJAX pagination for the courses registered.
Source: includes/deprecated/3.4.0/functions.php:382
Function: Handles the AJAX pagination for the quiz progress.
Source: includes/deprecated/3.4.0/functions.php:420
Function: Cleans up an array, comma- or space-separated list of scalar values.
Source: bp-core/bp-core-wpabstraction.php:488
Function: Return the current cache expire setting.
Source: includes/libraries/wp-session.php:21
Function: Clean up expired sessions by removing data and their expiration entries from the WordPress options table.
Source: includes/libraries/wp-session.php:128
Function: Alias of wp_session_write_close()
Source: includes/libraries/wp-session.php:30
Function: Load a JSON-encoded string into the current session.
Source: includes/libraries/wp-session.php:39
Function: Encode the current session’s data as a JSON string.
Source: includes/libraries/wp-session.php:50
Function: Regenerate the session ID.
Source: includes/libraries/wp-session.php:63
Function: Register the garbage collector as a twice daily event.
Source: includes/libraries/wp-session.php:173