bp_nouveau_get_temporary_setting( string $option = '', mixed $retval = false )
When previewing make sure to get the temporary setting of the customizer.
Description Description
This is necessary when we need to get these very early.
Parameters Parameters
- $option
(Optional) the index of the setting to get.
Default value: ''
- $retval
(Optional) the value to use as default.
Default value: false
Return Return
(mixed) The value for the requested option.
Source Source
File: bp-templates/bp-nouveau/includes/functions.php
function bp_nouveau_get_temporary_setting( $option = '', $retval = false ) { if ( empty( $option ) || ! isset( $_POST['customized'] ) ) { return $retval; } $temporary_setting = wp_unslash( $_POST['customized'] ); if ( ! is_array( $temporary_setting ) ) { $temporary_setting = json_decode( $temporary_setting, true ); } // This is used to transport the customizer settings into Ajax requests. if ( 'any' === $option ) { $retval = array(); foreach ( $temporary_setting as $key => $setting ) { if ( 0 !== strpos( $key, 'bp_nouveau_appearance' ) ) { continue; } $k = str_replace( array( '[', ']' ), array( '_', '' ), $key ); $retval[ $k ] = $setting; } // Used when it's an early regular request } elseif ( isset( $temporary_setting[ 'bp_nouveau_appearance[' . $option . ']' ] ) ) { $retval = $temporary_setting[ 'bp_nouveau_appearance[' . $option . ']' ]; // Used when it's an ajax request } elseif ( isset( $_POST['customized'][ 'bp_nouveau_appearance_' . $option ] ) ) { $retval = $_POST['customized'][ 'bp_nouveau_appearance_' . $option ]; } return $retval; }
Changelog Changelog
Version | Description |
3.0.0 | Introduced. |