bp_nouveau_activation_hook( string $when = '',  $suffix = '' )

Fire specific hooks into the activate template

Description Description

Parameters Parameters


(Optional) 'before' or 'after'

Default value: ''


(Required) Use it to add terms before the hook name

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Source Source

File: bp-templates/bp-nouveau/includes/template-tags.php

function bp_nouveau_activation_hook( $when = '', $suffix = '' ) {
	$hook = array( 'bp' );

	if ( $when ) {
		$hook[] = $when;

	$hook[] = 'activate';

	if ( $suffix ) {
		$hook[] = $suffix;

	if ( 'page' === $suffix ) {
		$hook[2] = 'activation';

	bp_nouveau_hook( $hook );

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Changelog Changelog

Version Description
3.0.0 Introduced.

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