Method: Removes pseudo-elements and dynamic pseudo-classes from a CSS selector, replacing them with “*” if necessary.
Source: vendor/pelago/emogrifier/src/Emogrifier/CssInliner.php:1010
Method: Removes pseudo-elements and dynamic pseudo-classes from a CSS selector, replacing them with “*” if necessary.
Source: vendor/pelago/emogrifier/src/Emogrifier/CssInliner.php:1010
Method: Helps `removeUnmatchablePseudoComponents()` replace or remove a selector `:not(.
Source: vendor/pelago/emogrifier/src/Emogrifier/CssInliner.php:1037
Method: Applies `$this->matchingUninlinableCssRules` to `$this->domDocument` by placing them as CSS in a `