Action Hook: Fires before the expand button.
Source: themes/ld30/templates/lesson/partials/row.php:289
Action Hook: Fires before the expand button.
Source: themes/ld30/templates/lesson/partials/row.php:289
Action Hook: Fires after the lesson title.
Source: themes/ld30/templates/lesson/partials/row.php:307
Action Hook: Fires after the attribute bubbles.
Source: themes/ld30/templates/lesson/partials/row.php:323
Action Hook: Fires before the topic/quiz list
Source: themes/ld30/templates/lesson/partials/row.php:347
Action Hook: Fires after the topic/quiz list.
Source: themes/ld30/templates/lesson/partials/row.php:371
Action Hook: Fires after a lesson row.
Source: themes/ld30/templates/lesson/partials/row.php:386
Action Hook: Fires after the lesson title.
Source: themes/ld30/templates/lesson/partials/row.php:257
Action Hook: Fires before the attribute bubbles.
Source: themes/ld30/templates/lesson/partials/row.php:272
Filter Hook: Filters lesson row attributes if the access to sample lesson is not allowed to a user.
Source: themes/ld30/templates/lesson/partials/row.php:59
Action Hook: Fires before a lesson row.
Source: themes/ld30/templates/lesson/partials/row.php:73