Function: Enqueues the ld30 theme editor scripts.
Source: themes/ld30/includes/helpers.php:1378
Function: Enqueues the ld30 theme editor scripts.
Source: themes/ld30/includes/helpers.php:1378
Function: Gets the course assignments.
Source: themes/ld30/includes/helpers.php:1083
Function: Removes the legacy css.
Source: themes/ld30/includes/helpers.php:1128
Function: Gets the user statistics.
Source: themes/ld30/includes/helpers.php:1151
Filter Hook: Filters LearnDash user stats. Used to modify user details like courses, points, certificates.
Source: themes/ld30/includes/helpers.php:1199
Function: Returns the focus template path if the focus mode is enabled.
Source: themes/ld30/includes/helpers.php:1219
Filter Hook: Allow override of the Focus Mode index template.
Source: themes/ld30/includes/helpers.php:1252
Function: Gets the template file path by name.
Source: themes/ld30/includes/helpers.php:1276
Function: Enqueues the ld30 theme template assets.
Source: themes/ld30/includes/helpers.php:1328
Filter Hook: Filters LearnDash content wrapper class.
Source: themes/ld30/includes/helpers.php:885