Method: Get an array of installed plugins with their file paths as a key value pair.
Source: packages/woocommerce-admin/src/PluginsHelper.php:68
Method: Get an array of installed plugins with their file paths as a key value pair.
Source: packages/woocommerce-admin/src/PluginsHelper.php:68
Method: Checks if a plugin is installed.
Source: packages/woocommerce-admin/src/PluginsHelper.php:103
Method: Checks if a plugin is active.
Source: packages/woocommerce-admin/src/PluginsHelper.php:115
Method: Get plugin data.
Source: packages/woocommerce-admin/src/PluginsHelper.php:127
Method: Get an array of active plugin slugs.
Source: packages/woocommerce-admin/src/PluginsHelper.php:86
Class: Class PluginsHelper
Source: packages/woocommerce-admin/src/PluginsHelper.php:19
Method: Get the path to the plugin file relative to the plugins directory from the plugin slug.
Source: packages/woocommerce-admin/src/PluginsHelper.php:30
Method: Get an array of installed plugin slugs.
Source: packages/woocommerce-admin/src/PluginsHelper.php:53