Method: Returns a list of Stripe supported countries. This method can be removed once merged to core.
Source: packages/woocommerce-admin/src/Features/OnboardingTasks.php:368
Method: Returns a list of Stripe supported countries. This method can be removed once merged to core.
Source: packages/woocommerce-admin/src/Features/OnboardingTasks.php:368
Method: Records an event when all tasks are completed in the extended task list.
Source: packages/woocommerce-admin/src/Features/OnboardingTasks.php:432
Method: Update registered extended task list items.
Source: packages/woocommerce-admin/src/Features/OnboardingTasks.php:457
Method: Get task item data for settings filter.
Source: packages/woocommerce-admin/src/Features/OnboardingTasks.php:84
Method: Sets the URL users are redirected to after PayPal Payments has received onboarding information from PayPal.
Source: packages/woocommerce-admin/src/Features/OnboardingTasks.php:241
Method: Get an array of countries that support automated tax.
Source: packages/woocommerce-admin/src/Features/OnboardingTasks.php:353
Method: Records an event when all tasks are completed in the task list.
Source: packages/woocommerce-admin/src/Features/OnboardingTasks.php:420
Method: Records an event for individual task completion.
Source: packages/woocommerce-admin/src/Features/OnboardingTasks.php:444
Method: Hooks into the product page to add a notice to return to the task list if a product was added.
Source: packages/woocommerce-admin/src/Features/OnboardingTasks.php:255
Method: Hooks into the post page to display a different success notice and sets the active page as the site’s home page if visted from onboarding.
Source: packages/woocommerce-admin/src/Features/OnboardingTasks.php:283