Function: Sort values based on ascii, usefull for special chars in strings.
Source: includes/wc-core-functions.php:1773
Function: Sort values based on ascii, usefull for special chars in strings.
Source: includes/wc-core-functions.php:1773
Function: Get rounding mode for internal tax calculations.
Source: includes/wc-core-functions.php:1850
Function: Get rounding precision for internal WC calculations.
Source: includes/wc-core-functions.php:1867
Function: Add precision to a number and return a number.
Source: includes/wc-core-functions.php:1883
Function: User to sort two values with ausort.
Source: includes/wc-core-functions.php:1759
Function: Used to sort products attributes with uasort.
Source: includes/wc-core-functions.php:1712
Function: Used to sort shipping zone methods with uasort.
Source: includes/wc-core-functions.php:1726
Function: User to sort checkout fields based on priority with uasort.
Source: includes/wc-core-functions.php:1738
Function: Wrapper for set_time_limit to see if it is enabled.
Source: includes/wc-core-functions.php:1688
Function: Wrapper for nocache_headers which also disables page caching.
Source: includes/wc-core-functions.php:1699