Function: Mark a users topics and replies as spam when the user is marked as spam
Source: includes/users/capabilities.php:491
Function: Mark a users topics and replies as spam when the user is marked as spam
Source: includes/users/capabilities.php:491
Function: Mark a users topics and replies as spam when the user is marked as spam
Source: includes/users/capabilities.php:576
Function: Add the default role to the current user if needed
Source: includes/users/capabilities.php:351
Function: Return a map of WordPress roles to bbPress roles. Used to automatically grant appropriate bbPress roles to WordPress users that wouldn’t already have a role in the forums. Also guarantees WordPress admins get the Keymaster role.
Source: includes/users/capabilities.php:426
Function: Checks if the user has been marked as a spammer.
Source: includes/users/capabilities.php:451
Function: Return a user’s forums role
Source: includes/users/capabilities.php:201
Function: Return a user’s blog role
Source: includes/users/capabilities.php:238
Function: Helper function hooked to ‘bbp_profile_update’ action to save or update user roles and capabilities.
Source: includes/users/capabilities.php:274
Function: Maps primary capabilities
Source: includes/users/capabilities.php:24
Filter Hook: Super Moderators *************************************************
Source: includes/users/capabilities.php:141