Function: Output an RSS2 feed of topics, based on the query passed.
Source: includes/topics/functions.php:3748
Function: Output an RSS2 feed of topics, based on the query passed.
Source: includes/topics/functions.php:3748
Function: Redirect if unauthorized user is attempting to edit a topic
Source: includes/topics/functions.php:3832
Function: Redirect if unauthorized user is attempting to edit a topic tag
Source: includes/topics/functions.php:3850
Function: Get topic tags for a specific topic ID
Source: includes/topics/functions.php:3652
Function: Will update topic-tag count based on object type.
Source: includes/topics/functions.php:3676
Function: Check if autoembeds are enabled and hook them in if so
Source: includes/topics/functions.php:3731
Function: Return the topics per page setting
Source: includes/topics/functions.php:3586
Function: Return the topics per RSS page setting
Source: includes/topics/functions.php:3608
Function: Get topic tags for a specific topic ID
Source: includes/topics/functions.php:3633
Function: Untrash replies to a topic previously trashed.
Source: includes/topics/functions.php:3505