Function: Return the value of reply to field
Source: includes/replies/template.php:2491
Function: Return the value of reply to field
Source: includes/replies/template.php:2491
Function: Output a select box allowing to pick which reply an existing hierarchical reply belongs to.
Source: includes/replies/template.php:2518
Function: Output the value of reply content field
Source: includes/replies/template.php:2446
Function: Output the topic pagination count
Source: includes/replies/template.php:2344
Function: Return the topic pagination count
Source: includes/replies/template.php:2354
Function: Output topic pagination links
Source: includes/replies/template.php:2418
Function: Return topic pagination links
Source: includes/replies/template.php:2428
Function: Return the base URL used inside of pagination links
Source: includes/replies/template.php:2302
Function: Output the approve link of the reply
Source: includes/replies/template.php:2175
Function: Return the approve link of the reply
Source: includes/replies/template.php:2193