Function: Removes the Really Simple SSL mixed content filter during file downloads to avoid errors with chunked file delivery
Source: includes/plugin-compatibility.php:183
Function: Removes the Really Simple SSL mixed content filter during file downloads to avoid errors with chunked file delivery
Source: includes/plugin-compatibility.php:183
Function: Disable the WooCommerce ‘Un-force SSL when leaving checkout’ option on EDD checkout to prevent redirect loops
Source: includes/plugin-compatibility.php:123
Function: Disables the mandrill_nl2br filter while sending EDD emails
Source: includes/plugin-compatibility.php:136
Function: Prevents the Purchase Confirmation screen from being detected as a 404 error in the 404 Redirected plugin
Source: includes/plugin-compatibility.php:147
Function: Adds ‘edd’ to the list of Say What aliases after moving to WordPress.org language packs
Source: includes/plugin-compatibility.php:166
Function: Checks if a caching plugin is active
Source: includes/plugin-compatibility.php:53
Function: Adds a ?nocache option for the checkout page
Source: includes/plugin-compatibility.php:67
Function: Show the correct language on the [downloads] shortcode if qTranslate is active
Source: includes/plugin-compatibility.php:89
Function: Prevents qTranslate from redirecting to language-specific URL when downloading purchased files
Source: includes/plugin-compatibility.php:104
Function: Disables admin sorting of Post Types Order
Source: includes/plugin-compatibility.php:26