Method: Get a post meta item for the payment
Source: includes/payments/class-edd-payment.php:1788
Method: Get a post meta item for the payment
Source: includes/payments/class-edd-payment.php:1788
Method: Update the post meta
Source: includes/payments/class-edd-payment.php:1845
Method: Add an item to the payment meta
Source: includes/payments/class-edd-payment.php:1896
Method: Delete an item from payment meta
Source: includes/payments/class-edd-payment.php:1913
Method: Determines if this payment is able to be resumed by the user.
Source: includes/payments/class-edd-payment.php:1927
Method: Returns the URL that a customer can use to resume a payment, or false if it’s not recoverable.
Source: includes/payments/class-edd-payment.php:1944
Method: When a payment is set to a status of ‘refunded’ process the necessary actions to reduce stats
Source: includes/payments/class-edd-payment.php:1961
Method: Increase the payment’s subtotal
Source: includes/payments/class-edd-payment.php:1640
Method: Decrease the payment’s subtotal
Source: includes/payments/class-edd-payment.php:1654
Method: Set or update the total for a payment
Source: includes/payments/class-edd-payment.php:1671