Method: Setup the payments discount codes
Source: includes/payments/class-edd-payment.php:2253
Method: Setup the payments discount codes
Source: includes/payments/class-edd-payment.php:2253
Method: Process when a payment is set to failed, decrement discount usages and other stats
Source: includes/payments/class-edd-payment.php:1997
Method: Process when a payment moves to pending
Source: includes/payments/class-edd-payment.php:2020
Method: Used during the process of moving to refunded or pending, to decrement stats
Source: includes/payments/class-edd-payment.php:2058
Method: Delete sales logs for this purchase
Source: includes/payments/class-edd-payment.php:2090
Method: Setup the payment completed date
Source: includes/payments/class-edd-payment.php:2121
Method: Setup the payment mode
Source: includes/payments/class-edd-payment.php:2139
Method: Setup the payment total
Source: includes/payments/class-edd-payment.php:2149
Method: Setup the payment tax
Source: includes/payments/class-edd-payment.php:2170
Method: Delete an item from payment meta
Source: includes/payments/class-edd-payment.php:1913