Filter Hook: Filters whether an assignment should be approved or not.
Source: includes/ld-assignment-uploads.php:546
Filter Hook: Filters whether an assignment should be approved or not.
Source: includes/ld-assignment-uploads.php:546
Action Hook: Fires after assignment is approved
Source: includes/ld-assignment-uploads.php:574
Function: Updates assignments post meta with approval status.
Source: includes/ld-assignment-uploads.php:592
Function: Gets assignments approval status.
Source: includes/ld-assignment-uploads.php:605
Action Hook: Fires after the assignment is uploaded.
Source: includes/ld-assignment-uploads.php:246
Function: Handles whether the comments should be open for assignments.
Source: includes/ld-assignment-uploads.php:292
Function: Enables comments when adding a new assignment.
Source: includes/ld-assignment-uploads.php:331
Function: Cleans file name on upload.
Source: includes/ld-assignment-uploads.php:349
Function: Handles file upload process.
Source: includes/ld-assignment-uploads.php:368
Filter Hook: Filters whether to allow assignment for non logged in users.
Source: includes/ld-assignment-uploads.php:53