Method: Get from email option data
Source: includes/emails/class.llms.email.php:363
Method: Get from email option data
Source: includes/emails/class.llms.email.php:363
Class: Email Base Class
Source: includes/emails/class.llms.email.php:20
Method: Initializer Children can configure the email in this function called by the __construct() function
Source: includes/emails/class.llms.email.php:103
Method: Constructor Sets up data needed to generate email content
Source: includes/emails/class.llms.email.php:112
Method: Add an attachment to the email
Source: includes/emails/class.llms.email.php:137
Method: Add a single header to the email headers array
Source: includes/emails/class.llms.email.php:151
Method: Add merge data that will be used in the email
Source: includes/emails/class.llms.email.php:166