Function: Utility function to traverse the multidimensional array and apply user function.
Source: includes/deprecated/3.4.0/functions.php:518
Function: Utility function to traverse the multidimensional array and apply user function.
Source: includes/deprecated/3.4.0/functions.php:518
Function: Saves the course, lesson, topic, and quiz settings meta to separate post meta.
Source: includes/deprecated/3.4.0/functions.php:542
Function: Saves the course, lesson, topic, and quiz settings meta to separate post meta if not already converted.
Source: includes/deprecated/3.4.0/functions.php:558
Function: Prints the given string in preformated text.
Source: includes/deprecated/3.4.0/functions.php:686
Function: Redirects to the home page if the user lands on archive pages for lesson or quiz post types.
Source: includes/deprecated/3.4.0/functions.php:600
Function: Log debug messages to file.
Source: includes/deprecated/3.4.0/functions.php:706
Function: Prints the dropdown button to the footer.
Source: includes/deprecated/3.4.0/functions.php:619
Function: Checks Whether the learndash license is valid or not.
Source: includes/deprecated/3.4.0/functions.php:722
Function: Loads editor styles for LearnDash.
Source: includes/deprecated/3.4.0/functions.php:668
Function: Loads the certificate image as the background for the visual editor.
Source: includes/deprecated/3.4.0/functions.php:644