Function: Checks if the resource has any quizzes.
Source: includes/deprecated/3.4.0/functions.php:58
Function: Checks if the resource has any quizzes.
Source: includes/deprecated/3.4.0/functions.php:58
Function: Checks if the quiz is accessible to the user.
Source: includes/deprecated/3.4.0/functions.php:39
Function: Checks if the previous topic or lesson is complete.
Source: includes/deprecated/3.4.0/functions.php:345
Function: Transitions the course steps logic from using shared steps to legacy.
Source: includes/deprecated/3.4.0/functions.php:315
Function: Updates the filter lesson options.
Source: includes/deprecated/3.4.0/functions.php:284
Function: Redirects users to the next available lesson page when course lesson pagination is enabled.
Source: includes/deprecated/3.4.0/functions.php:365
Function: Gets the list of course step IDs.
Source: includes/deprecated/3.4.0/functions.php:99
Function: Gets the course steps by type.
Source: includes/deprecated/3.4.0/functions.php:162
Function: Gets the legacy course ID for a resource.
Source: includes/deprecated/3.4.0/functions.php:190
Function: Gets the group’s user IDs if the course is associated with the group.
Source: includes/deprecated/3.4.0/functions.php:496