Function: Gets the course lessons per page setting.
Source: includes/course/ld-course-functions.php:834
Function: Gets the course lessons per page setting.
Source: includes/course/ld-course-functions.php:834
Filter Hook: Filters whether to redirect the user to the next available lesson page in the course.
Source: includes/course/ld-course-functions.php:2975
Function: Handles the course lessons list pager.
Source: includes/course/ld-course-functions.php:879
Filter Hook: Filters course steps by type query arguments.
Source: includes/course/ld-course-functions.php:2542
Function: Updates the users group course access.
Source: includes/course/ld-course-functions.php:707
Filter Hook: Filters whether to enroll into group for the course.
Source: includes/course/ld-course-functions.php:728
Function: Gets the course completion date for a user.
Source: includes/course/ld-course-functions.php:763
Function: Gets the course settings from the course meta.
Source: includes/course/ld-course-functions.php:631
Function: Gets all the courses with the price type paynow.
Source: includes/course/ld-course-functions.php:588
Function: Gets the list of users with expired course access from the user meta.
Source: includes/course/ld-course-functions.php:601