Function: Filter the allowed themes list for bbPress specific themes
Source: includes/core/sub-actions.php:502
Function: Filter the allowed themes list for bbPress specific themes
Source: includes/core/sub-actions.php:502
Function: Maps forum/topic/reply caps to built in WordPress caps
Source: includes/core/sub-actions.php:520
Function: Filter the arguments used by wp_mail for bbPress specific emails
Source: includes/core/sub-actions.php:536
Function: Piggy back filter for WordPress’s ‘request’ filter
Source: includes/core/sub-actions.php:459
Function: The main filter used for theme compatibility and displaying custom bbPress theme files.
Source: includes/core/sub-actions.php:474
Function: Generate bbPress-specific rewrite rules
Source: includes/core/sub-actions.php:489
Function: Filter the plugin locale and domain.
Source: includes/core/sub-actions.php:445
Function: The main action used for executing code before the theme has been setup
Source: includes/core/sub-actions.php:356
Function: The main action used for executing code after the theme has been setup
Source: includes/core/sub-actions.php:365
Function: The main action used for handling theme-side POST requests
Source: includes/core/sub-actions.php:374