Function: Filter anonymous post data
Source: includes/common/functions.php:541
Function: Filter anonymous post data
Source: includes/common/functions.php:541
Function: Sanitize an array of anonymous post author data
Source: includes/common/functions.php:580
Function: Get number of days something should remain trashed for before it is cleaned up by WordPress Cron. If set to 0, items will skip trash and be deleted immediately.
Source: includes/common/functions.php:260
Function: Assist pagination by returning correct page number
Source: includes/common/functions.php:116
Function: Return the unique non-empty values of an array.
Source: includes/common/functions.php:148
Function: Fix post author id on post save
Source: includes/common/functions.php:165
Function: Check a date against the length of time something can be edited.
Source: includes/common/functions.php:204
Function: If current user can and is viewing all topics/replies
Source: includes/common/functions.php:102
Function: Return the unescaped redirect_to request value
Source: includes/common/functions.php:45
Function: Append ‘view=all’ to query string if it’s already there from referer
Source: includes/common/functions.php:65