Function: Get scheme for a URL based on is_ssl() results.
Source: includes/common/functions.php:2609
Function: Get scheme for a URL based on is_ssl() results.
Source: includes/common/functions.php:2609
Function: Is a title longer that the maximum title length?
Source: includes/common/functions.php:2628
Function: Maybe pre-assign the posts that are returned from a WP_Query.
Source: includes/common/functions.php:2591
Function: Sets the 404 status.
Source: includes/common/functions.php:2526
Function: Sets the 200 status header.
Source: includes/common/functions.php:2546
Function: Maybe handle the default 404 handling for some bbPress conditions
Source: includes/common/functions.php:2563
Function: Used to guess if page exists at requested path
Source: includes/common/functions.php:2496
Action Hook: Fires at the end of the nonce verification check.
Source: includes/common/functions.php:2256
Function: This function is hooked into the WordPress ‘request’ action and is responsible for sniffing out the query vars and serving up RSS2 feeds if the stars align and the user has requested a feed of any bbPress type.
Source: includes/common/functions.php:2273
Function: Prime post author caches.
Source: includes/common/functions.php:2119