Method: Call a user function. This should be used to execute any non-idempotent function, especially those in the `includes` directory or provided by WordPress.
Source: includes/class-woocommerce.php:965
Method: Call a user function. This should be used to execute any non-idempotent function, especially those in the `includes` directory or provided by WordPress.
Source: includes/class-woocommerce.php:965
Method: Call a static method in a class. This should be used to execute any non-idempotent method in classes from the `includes` directory.
Source: includes/class-woocommerce.php:984
Method: Gets an instance of a given legacy class.
Source: includes/class-woocommerce.php:1003
Filter Hook: Define if we’re checking against major, minor or no versions in the following places: – plugin screen in WP Admin (displaying extra warning when updating to new major versions) – System Status Report (‘Installed version not tested with active version of WooCommerce’ warning) – core update screen in WP Admin (displaying extra warning when updating to new major versions) – enable/disable automated updates in the plugin screen in WP Admin (if there are any plugins that don’t declare compatibility, the auto-update is disabled)
Source: includes/class-woocommerce.php:332
Method: Load REST API.
Source: includes/class-woocommerce.php:338
Method: Add woocommerce_inbox_variant for the Remote Inbox Notification.
Source: includes/class-woocommerce.php:222
Method: Output a admin notice when build dependencies not met.
Source: includes/class-woocommerce.php:926
Method: Is the WooCommerce Admin actively included in the WooCommerce core? Based on presence of a basic WC Admin function.
Source: includes/class-woocommerce.php:947
Method: Get Checkout Class.
Source: includes/class-woocommerce.php:871
Method: Get gateways class.
Source: includes/class-woocommerce.php:880