Method: Get order details by gateway.
Source: includes/class-wc-tracker.php:484
Method: Get order details by gateway.
Source: includes/class-wc-tracker.php:484
Method: Get tracker data for a specific block type on a woocommerce page.
Source: includes/class-wc-tracker.php:723
Method: Get info about the cart & checkout pages.
Source: includes/class-wc-tracker.php:745
Method: Get last order date.
Source: includes/class-wc-tracker.php:437
Method: Search a specific post for text content.
Source: includes/class-wc-tracker.php:693
Method: Get blocks from a woocommerce page.
Source: includes/class-wc-tracker.php:661
Method: Get all instances of the specified block on a specific woo page (e.g. `cart` or `checkout` page).
Source: includes/class-wc-tracker.php:685
Method: Get a list of all active shipping methods.
Source: includes/class-wc-tracker.php:597
Method: Get all options starting with woocommerce_ prefix.
Source: includes/class-wc-tracker.php:617
Method: Look for any template override and return filenames.
Source: includes/class-wc-tracker.php:644