Filter Hook: Filter download method.
Source: includes/class-wc-download-handler.php:228
Filter Hook: Filter download method.
Source: includes/class-wc-download-handler.php:228
Method: Die with an error message if the download fails.
Source: includes/class-wc-download-handler.php:622
Method: Get content type of a download.
Source: includes/class-wc-download-handler.php:454
Method: Set headers for the download.
Source: includes/class-wc-download-handler.php:476
Method: Check and set certain server config variables to ensure downloads work as intended.
Source: includes/class-wc-download-handler.php:515
Method: Clean all output buffers.
Source: includes/class-wc-download-handler.php:529
Method: Read file chunked.
Source: includes/class-wc-download-handler.php:550
Method: Filter headers for IE to fix issues over SSL.
Source: includes/class-wc-download-handler.php:607
Method: Redirect to a file to start the download.
Source: includes/class-wc-download-handler.php:243
Method: Parse file path and see if its remote or local.
Source: includes/class-wc-download-handler.php:254