Method: Get discounted price of an item without precision.
Source: includes/class-wc-discounts.php:223
Method: Get discounted price of an item without precision.
Source: includes/class-wc-discounts.php:223
Method: Get discounted price of an item to precision (in cents).
Source: includes/class-wc-discounts.php:234
Method: Apply a discount to all items using a coupon.
Source: includes/class-wc-discounts.php:247
Class: Discounts class.
Source: includes/class-wc-discounts.php:16
Method: WC_Discounts Constructor.
Source: includes/class-wc-discounts.php:45
Method: Set items directly. Used by WC_Cart_Totals.
Source: includes/class-wc-discounts.php:59
Method: Normalise cart items which will be discounted.
Source: includes/class-wc-discounts.php:71
Method: Normalise order items which will be discounted.
Source: includes/class-wc-discounts.php:100
Method: Get the object concerned.
Source: includes/class-wc-discounts.php:134
Method: Get items.
Source: includes/class-wc-discounts.php:144